Welcome to the Personal Ministries Department!
Every Sabbath morning, at 11:30 am, we meet in the Youth room to study the book of Revelation. This is a verse by verse study so that you have time to really understand the context of each chapter along with the presenting symbols. We will teach you the correct methods of interpretation and as you study this book, not only will you gain insight into what will play out in the near future, but you will gain new insights into who Jesus Christ is. Come and join us. You will be blessed!
Want to Get involved?
If you are interested in joining or starting up a home care group, you’ve come to the right place! NLC currently has 5 different groups meeting either in person, online, or both. We would love to have your time and talents added to one of our teams.
Frequently Asked Questions
I'm interested in learning more about your church.
It would be a privilege to share with you the precious Truth that we have found in Jesus. We offer a special group class every Sabbath during the Sabbath School service where we cover our basic Biblical beliefs. Or, if you prefer, we offer individual studies where we specifically answer your personal questions. We can also direct you to other resources which can assist you in your search. But the best way is to simply “come and see” for yourself. Join us any Sabbath at 1 pm for our Sabbath School followed by our Divine Service at 2:30 pm.
I'm interested in joining a home care group. How do I go about it?
Please contact the Pastor or Sr. Angie. They will direct you to a group that is nearest to you or assist you in starting up your own group.
Can you share tips about your Adventist lifestyle?
We’d like to share these tips personally with you! Periodically, our church conducts a health emphasis weekend. We cover various topics related to health as well as conducting cooking classes. Our popular “Foods of the World” cooking class features vegetarian foods from around the world. They are presented by our own members and provide incentives for including more plant-based foods in to your daily diet. Our health seminars also provide you with the latest scientic findings to help you optimize your health.
Is there a special program that can help me understand Bible Prophecy better?
Every Sabbath morning, at 11:30 am, we meet in the Youth room to study the book of Revelation. This is a verse by verse study so that you have time to really understand the context of each chapter along with the presenting symbols. We will teach you the correct methods of interpretation and as you study this book, not only will you gain insight into what will play out in the near future, but you will gain new insights into who Jesus Christ is. Come and join us. You will be blessed!